

  • Shipping within the United States is free
  • Once you have completed the purchase on your end, items will be shipped to the address provided typically within 1-2 business days, depending on packing time
  • Items will be shipped via FedEx, UPS or a private carrier and will be insured for the purchase price
  • If you're located within reasonable driving distance from the New York City area we can personally deliver your items free of charge
  • Cost of shipping your purchase outside the United States will be shown at checkout, once a shipping address has been entered
  • Shipping cost will include packing, shipping and insurance for the purchase price
  • International customers may have to pay duties, taxes or other import fees based on the import process in their country
  • Please note that customs laws and regulations on importing antiques may vary from country to country. If you are not sure how the import process works in your country, or have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

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